Thursday, July 22, 2010
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Well I
Cory and I weighed in tonight. As both of us are at our highest ever weights we decided to do this together. We are planning to over the next week or two get all of the junk out of our house. We are no longer going to drink cokes, ever. (we have both done these things for a while at a time, but now we are doing it TOGETHER.) We are going to start exercising. I'm excited. There has always been about a 30lb difference in our weights. This means that since he is going to start losing weight...I HAVE TO! Anyways...just thought I would tell you all.
Much Love and God bless
The Fat Chick
Much Love and God bless
The Fat Chick
The lake...ahh what a joy!
Okay...So regardless of the usual fat chick excuses we have to not go to outdoor events in the dead heat of summer, I went to our church cookout and service yesterday and today. I had a ton of fun! It also made me realize how much I'm missing out on by being fat. Did you know that when you are fat and out of shape (or probably even skinny and out of shape) that walking about a mile in gravel and dirt about kills ya??? Well I know it really doesn't kill you or even really do any damage of any sort. But is sure does feel like it! After walking around at the camp all day yesterday, and sitting out in the sun today at service we decided to go to the lake. We drove over to the lake and walked down by the water. The walk down wasn't so bad and it was beautiful. Then, we had to walk back up...oh no. was terrible. I felt like I was going to pass out. So walking up that huge giant hill I made a promise to Kylie. I looked at her and told her that I promised I would get in shape. When I say get in shape I mean I want to be able to walk and run and play with her. I want to be able to be outside and not feel like I'm going to die. we go. As Jillian Michaels says, "Unless you puke, faint, or die, KEEP WALKING!" Pray for me please!!!
Much Love,
The Fat Chick
Much Love,
The Fat Chick
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
List of things NOT to wear when your fat
Okay. So you have all seen it. The girl who is overweight that thinks she is a size 2. I'm not making fun of anyone...I just think that overweight people should have a little dignity. Honestly...some of the clothes that are made for skinny people shouldn't be made for fat people.
Now, I hope you understand. I am NOT making fun of fat people, for heaven's sake, I'm there. I also want to make it clear that I give props to big people who have the confidence to wear some of the things they do. I am however, going to give you a list of things that I believe fat chicks shouldn't wear in public. We already get negative attention...I don't feel that we should draw more negative attention in. So here it is, the list...
1. Spandex
2. Mini-skirts
3. Skinny Jeans
4. Slinky material
5. Daisy Dukes
6. Tube Tops
7. String Bikini's (remember, I said in public)
8. Short tops (that your stomach hangs out from underneath)
9. tight jumpsuits
10. and this one is one that you SHOULD wear...A BRA!
Okay...I am sure I have offended some people. But have to remember...this is how I isn't the law or even what other people feel. I am just speaking from my heart.
Well Much Love!
The Fat Chick
Now, I hope you understand. I am NOT making fun of fat people, for heaven's sake, I'm there. I also want to make it clear that I give props to big people who have the confidence to wear some of the things they do. I am however, going to give you a list of things that I believe fat chicks shouldn't wear in public. We already get negative attention...I don't feel that we should draw more negative attention in. So here it is, the list...
1. Spandex
2. Mini-skirts
3. Skinny Jeans
4. Slinky material
5. Daisy Dukes
6. Tube Tops
7. String Bikini's (remember, I said in public)
8. Short tops (that your stomach hangs out from underneath)
9. tight jumpsuits
10. and this one is one that you SHOULD wear...A BRA!
Okay...I am sure I have offended some people. But have to remember...this is how I isn't the law or even what other people feel. I am just speaking from my heart.
Well Much Love!
The Fat Chick
Sunday, July 11, 2010
So, you want to lose weight?
So, I here that there are other people out there like me. Other people who want to lose weight. Well with America having an obesity epidemic and with our kids having high risks of following in our footsteps...I'd say there better be a ton more people that want to lose weight like me! I pray that there are hundreds and maybe thousands that I am going to be able to reach with my little 'ole blog here. So here is my new mission statement for 'Confessions of a fat chick'.
I first and foremost will praise and honor my awesome God in all I do and say. I will be honest with my words. I will do my best to bring you the facts. I will try and make my content as interesting as possible. I will not swim in my own self pity. I will try and keep you informed of everything going on in my journey. Last, but probably most importantly, I will ask God everyday to use me and my journey to help change all of your lives!
I am not going to give an apology for any of my post from the past, just know that from here on out I will do my best to continue this blog and uphold my mission statement. I appreciate all of my loyal readers! I just truly pray for each and every one of you that God may work through me to touch your lives in some way.
Much Love!
The Fat Chick
Saturday, July 10, 2010's been a while...fat chicks will understand!
Okay. So it's been a while since my last post. I'm not sure...but I think that you true 'fat chicks' will understand. I have been so dissapointed in myself. I know that I am the one who keeps sabotaging my efforts. I mean, come on...really? What is it going to take, a dad-blamed heart attack to get me in gear? I need to quit swimming in my own self pity and just put on my big girl panties and do this. Yes...I am starting again...right where I started from the last time. Hey, at least I didn't gain weight right? LOL...How dumb is that!!! No I didn't gain, but I sure didn't lose. I know I might lose a few readers after this post, I'm sorry but this is how it is. You can get frustrated at me and tell me how I should try and lose weight. Go ahead scream at me and tell me what an idiot I am and how easy it was for you. Well let me go ahead and tell you, that's not what I need to hear. I know you are just trying to help...but I am going to have to help myself! I had my 'aha' moment, I have been broken before God, I even related my story to a Bible story, but I-ME-MYSELF, has not let go of this attitude towards myself. So here's how it's going to go from now on.
1. I am going to start by reading two of what seems like some very awesome books that one of you sent me in the mail. They look fabulous and both of them seem like information that could help me change my way of thinking about this! Thank you sooooooooo much Leah! You are super sweet and an awesome person! Just keep praying for me please!
2. I am going to continue reading your comments, feedback, and messages and maybe something will change in me by doing so.
3. I am not going to try and do everything at once.
4. I am going to keep praying about this and asking God to heal my brain and my heart. (and I ask that you do so too)
So there you go...have at it. Just please be nice. Thanks!
Much Love!
The Fat Chick
1. I am going to start by reading two of what seems like some very awesome books that one of you sent me in the mail. They look fabulous and both of them seem like information that could help me change my way of thinking about this! Thank you sooooooooo much Leah! You are super sweet and an awesome person! Just keep praying for me please!
2. I am going to continue reading your comments, feedback, and messages and maybe something will change in me by doing so.
3. I am not going to try and do everything at once.
4. I am going to keep praying about this and asking God to heal my brain and my heart. (and I ask that you do so too)
So there you go...have at it. Just please be nice. Thanks!
Much Love!
The Fat Chick
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