Sunday, July 11, 2010

So, you want to lose weight?

So, I here that there are other people out there like me.  Other people who want to lose weight.  Well with America having an obesity epidemic and with our kids having high risks of following in our footsteps...I'd say there better be a ton more people that want to lose weight like me!  I pray that there are hundreds and maybe thousands that I am going to be able to reach with my little 'ole blog here.  So here is my new mission statement for 'Confessions of a fat chick'. 

    I first and foremost will praise and honor my awesome God in all I do and say.  I will be honest with my words.  I will do my best to bring you the facts.  I will try and make my content as interesting as possible.  I will not swim in my own self pity.  I will try and keep you informed of everything going on in my journey.  Last, but probably most importantly, I will ask God everyday to use me and my journey to help change all of your lives! 

I am not going to give an apology for any of my post from the past, just know that from here on out I will do my best to continue this blog and uphold my mission statement.  I appreciate all of my loyal readers!  I just truly pray for each and every one of you that God may work through me to touch your lives in some way. 

Much Love!
The Fat Chick

1 comment:

  1. Hey, been meaning to read your blog for a long time now and today I finally got to it. I have battled my weight since we were in elem. school. I have dieted since I was 14. I have found out by doctors that I have had PCOS since I was a teen. I could lose the weight on my own by starving myself and being miserable. It worked in the past but I got so much more to deal with than I did as a teen so I am in the process of getting gastric bypass. I need the extra help. I have worked out till I made myself sick and nothing helped. my current weight is about what yours is and I am so miserable. I understand your battle because I have been fighting the same one for almost 15 years. I am ready to start winning I just hope my insurance don't find anymore loop holes.
