Monday, May 3, 2010

Just so you sucks to be fat...

       Well you are reading this blog for one of three reasons...1.) you are my friend and thought you might check it out, or 2.)you are fat, overweight, plump, have some extra cushion, have a 'pretty face', or you have been any of these things at one time in your life, or 3.) you are scared of becoming any of those things in #2 at some point in your life. 
        Here's a little history on me...I'm 28, mother to one and wife.  I have been overweight most all of my adult life.  I'm not sure exactly how I got here but I'm sure it had a little something lot to do with the fact I quit doing exercise and started eating more unhealthy food, well actually more food all together. I have 'tried' to lose weight in the past and have been successful many times, well partially successful.  My diet history is a like most of the people on earth who have 'dieted' before; gain weight, lose weight, gain weight, gain weight, gain weight, lose weight, gain weight, lose weight, gain weight, gain weight, gain weight, lose weight, and as always I end a diet with 'gain weight'.  Now at the ripe old age of 28 I am on high blood pressure medicine and I have high cholesterol.  (huh, wonder how that happened)  
        Now, the reason for this blog.  I am so sick and tired of people thinking that fat people don't know we are fat and thinking that we are completely comfortable with being fat.  Yeah I skinny people are probably saying to your self right now, 'why don't you just get up and exercise and just put down the food?'  Well, honestly, I don't know.  I am positively miserable with being fat, and I am here bringing to light what us fat chicks go through in our daily lives that our skinny counter parts may not even imagine. 
        Be ready to laugh a little, cry a little and have your eyes opened to how it feels to be a fat chick.  So here are the Confessions of a Fat chick...a fed up fat chick!


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